Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ann Coulter's Column In Trouble

Newspapers are dropping Ann Coulter's column. The question is what took them so long? Ann Coulter was fired by the National Review before she became a Time Magazine cover girl.

There will always be people like Ann Coulter who play to the deepest fears and hatred of people. Many of these readers only have their political idealogy reinforced by Coulter's childish tirades. Many Average Joe conservatives may distrust the New York Times because of what they hear from talk radio, Free Republic, etc. How many of them actually read the paper?

The Bush administration has Cheney go on the war path against the Times because the most influential newspaper, in America, can reveal nasty little thing about torture and wiretapping. Coulter thinks torture and wiretapping are good things. Which says the woman really needs to stop thinking about who is against her TEAM and more about what is good for America. I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.


At August 01, 2006 10:24 PM , Blogger Sine.Qua.Non said...

People like Coulter have made me incredibly depressed throughout my life. But, I now have a theory I have come up with during my observations over the years. That they are all sociopaths. It makes me feel better anyway.


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