Monday, April 03, 2006

Good News For Katherine Harris Campaign: Only Down 28%

First the enemies of Katherine Harris's campaign was the liberal media. The reason being, according to Free Republic is that "The liberal media probably believes that Harris is a stronger candidate than many conservative bloggers and other loyal republicans, otherwise why would the LIBERAL MEDIA (LM) be spreading so much ink across their pages about how poor her chances of victory are?"

Now the Harris campaign has a deadlier emeny. Harris campaign staffers.

"I didn't know I was going to get the knives in my back from my own party, and I'll be honest, it's infiltrated my campaign staff . . . For too long, we have been undermined by people in our own party and staffers in our own campaign."

Like deckhands, of the Titanic, who left their stations because they were too focused on the bad news; Harris staffers are leaving because they're worried about these silly things called poll numbers. The conservative Newsmax sites the slight 28% difference with Bill Nelson. NewsMax does add that she leads all Republican candidates in a field by herself. See, that's good news.


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