Monday, April 03, 2006

Neal Boortz Is A Bigot

Radio host Neal Boortz spiels his bigotry on immigration. He refers to Muslims as the "M word", Europeans as Euro-weenies, and tries to spin the Guantanamo Bay torture. Boortz doesn't mention those 108 detainee deaths. The hatemonger then states it would be a good idea to put illegal immigrants in the Atlanta Coliseum and Superdome because "we've got practice." And how well did that work last time?

I know a guy named Ben who thinks putting Israelis and Palestinians in Arizona and New Mexico is a good idea.

"That way they can fuckin' kill each other in the desert and we put fence around it," Ben rages. "That way they can go fuckin' kill themselves."

"The Nazis called those concentration camps."

"They're not concentration camp! We're giving them a piece of desert," Ben roars. "That way there's no fighting in Israel."

"So you want to move Americans off their property and bring a regional war to United States soil," I say. "You will illegally taken American's property and made her less safer. Those Israelis and Palestinians will certainly want to kill Americans if you kidnap them from their country. Which you haven't explained how you would accomplish."

Boortz has put about the same amount of thought behind his brainstorm. I like to see him work security at the Superdome with 20,000 angry Mexicans. Not only are wingnut ideas on racial issues racist; they don't work in practice. Let's ask those wingnuts how well segregation went.

Note: I don't like labeling people. There is no other label for Boortz, but that of bigot. As for Ben, to quote Rick James: "Cocaine is a hell of a drug."


At February 02, 2011 3:47 PM , Anonymous Viagra Online said...

Sometimes is difficult to reading about the immigrants' future because most of time they don't deserve that future so there are many others they must to be punished.


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