Wingnut of the Day: Jonathan Stickland

Jonathan is adamantly pro-life and believes it is part of the government’s role to protect the unborn lives of children. He was honored to help author House Bill 2, which restricted abortions after 20 weeks, and made abortion clinics adhere to stricter rules that protect Texas women. This was a huge victory for the pro-life movement and Jonathan was proud to be a part of it.Stickland took to Twitter when his sign was taken down.
My #prolife sign was just ripped down by @charliegeren #txlege
— Jonathan Stickland (@RepStickland) March 11, 2015
What Stickland failed to understand was that his sign broke the rules of the Texas legislature.
Signs are not allowed to be posted in the walls of the building they were removed and placed in the office of the members
— Charlie Geren (@charliegeren) March 11, 2015
What is a former fetus to do when he can't hang his sign?
Labels: abortion, jonathan stickland, texas, texas legislature, wingnuts
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