Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Homophobic Slurs Hurled at Charlie Crist

It is bad when conservative blogger (and no fan of Charlie Crist) Javier Manjarres takes Charlie Crist's side over the Fort Lauderdale Tea Party. Crist did a book signing in Broward County. Manjarres reports that the Fort Lauderdale Tea Party greeted Crist with homophobic slurs.

The group of about twenty, some being associated with the Fort Lauderdale Tea Party, which still camps out on a busy street intersection every Saturday, looking more like homeless Occupy Wall Street protesters than anything else, decided that it was ‘OK’ to yell out, “Charlie, you look like an AIDS victim.”

Manjarres makes a point that political activists on the Left and the Right should heed.

We all disagree with Charlie Crist’s politics. Because Americans have a First Amendment right to do so, some of us use a pen and a keyboard to raise awareness to Crist historic policy flip-flops, while others will prefer to hold up signs on a street corner and protest their disappointment and disagreement with Charlie.

But to yell out offensive remarks like this has no place in politics, let alone society.


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