Friday, February 17, 2012

Mike Fasano on Democracy Now

Sen. Mike Fasano was a surprise guest on Democracy Now. Fasano talked to Amy Goodman about how prison privatization would not save Florida money.

FASANO: The original amendment that I had on the bill, before we killed the bill, was to - would have required an in-depth study, economic study, to find out if there's true savings there, but also to find out if - by privatizing, does it impact of our correctional officers, their community, and the economy of the state of Florida as a whole.

Sen. JD Alexander fought to make sure Fasano's study of private prisons would never happen. After Fasano continued to oppose the privatization bills, Senate President Mike Haridopolos stripped Fasano, of his chairmanship of the Senate Criminal and Civil Justice Appropiations Committee.

The immunity bill and the Republican Senate leadership punishing Fasano, show how Republicans are governing with contempt. The most disturbing thing is Republicans aren't even hiding their dirty dealing from the public.

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