Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Conspiracy Theory Wingnuts Unite

Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips writes posts that read like fake op-eds from The Onion. Phillips ran with the conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama received campaign contributions from Hamas. Phillips got this conspiracy theory from racist blogger Pamela Geller. If anyone doubts Geller is a racist they should read her pushing the theory of white genocide in South Africa. This nonsense has been forwarded by former Klu Klux Klan member David Duke.


"The white genocide is heating up in South Africa: South Africa race tension grows. The whites in South Africa are keenly aware of the plans to kill them, better known as 'The night of the long knives'. They expect it to happen very soon after the death of Mandela, but to tell this to the world is a waste of energy. Atlas has been reporting on this horror that the savages in the media ignore."

I have searched in the past for mainstream news articles of genocide of whites in South Africa. None exist. Google searches revealed only white supremist web sites and right-wing bloggers writing about this story. These racist web sites always claim genocide of whites is happening in South Africa without ever saying when and where these events taken place.

I get Tea Party Nation emails and Phillips spiels out bizarre conspiracy theories daily. Phillips sent out an email titled "Another Liberal Bites the Dust." I had to go to the Tea Party Nation to find out which radical liberal is no more. Hilarty ensues.

Jim Webb, the liberal Senator from Virginia has announced he is not seeking reelection. He said in a statement, that he "decided to return to the private sector." Translation, I have read the tea leaves for 2012 and my election will look like Custer's last stand.

That is the first time I have ever seen the words "Jim Webb" and "liberal" used in the same sentence. Webb served in the Reagan administration. Phillips has no idea what a liberal is.

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