Sunday, December 05, 2010

Why the Lame Duck Session is Important to Obama

Newt Gingrich went on cable news to show his compassionate conservative side. Gingrich declared unemployment insurance is "money for doing nothing." There are a lot of people not working because job growth has been miserable. The Department of Labor released the unemployment numbers. It ain't pretty.

The unemployment rate edged up to 9.8 in November, and nonfarm payroll was little changed (+39,000), the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Temporary help services and health care continued to add more jobs over the month, while employment fell in retail trade. Employment in most major industries changed little in November.

This is why I laughed when Rick Scott said the Affordable Health care Act would be a job killer. Retail is affected when the economy takes a downturn. People have less money to spend. People get sick, regardless of economic conditions. Government money is being pumped into the private heal care system at a greater rate because of so-called Obamacare. The law will mandate millions of more Americans buying health insurance. This means more people getting check-ups and treatment. Scott didn't exactly turn down Medicare money when he ran Columbia/HCA. As the $1.7 billion fine levied by the Justice Department would indicate.

The lack of job growth has gotten so bad that Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernake in quietly asking Congress to pass more stimulus. It is unheard of for a Federal Reserve chairman to advocate the passage of legislation.

Treasury Sec. Tim Geithner is negotiating with Republicans on extending the tax cuts. Given the way the Obama administration has been horrible at negotiating it would not be surprising if no unemployment extension is passed. Repubicans are playing chicken with the Democrats. Wanna guess which side will win?

Sadly, Democrats have poll numbers supporting extending unemployment benefits and letting the tax cuts for those making above $250,000 expire. Bloggers Joy-Ann Reid and Benjamin Kirby will stress that progressives must support Obama even though the president is allegic to policies progressives support. (Not an exciting GOTV message for 2012). Progressives should not support Obama when his fiscal policies hurt millions of Americans.

Right now Obama has American support for ending the upper-income bracket Bush tax cuts and extending unemployment. The Fedrral Reserve chairman is publicly backing more stimulus spending. The lame duck session is Obama's best chance to accomplish these legislative priorities and he is negotiating away his best opportunity. Things will only get worse when John Boehner officially becomes House Speaker.

If Republicans snatch victory when Obama has the advantage then the only reason to support him is because he is not a Republican. Obama has the offer more than not being Sarah Palin if he wants to get re-elected.

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