Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Obama Press Conference

Obama's press conference today has been posted on Youtube. I haven't seen it yet. I am going to live blog the presser as I watch it.

Obama "looks forward" to working with John Boehner and Mitch McConnell.

Mitch McConnell looks forward to using the Senate to make Obama a one term President.

The speech sounds very somber. Obama sounds tired. Last night wasn't good for Democrats.

Obama "very eager to sit down with members of both parties." Sorry Mr. President, but Republicans are telling their base you will not get anything passed.

Obama "eager to hear good ideas from Republicans. Does he like the GOP's ideas of shutting down the Department of Education and the IRS?

Obama: "Is their hope for civility." The Jon Stewart message.

Obama talks about bipartisanship. How about forcefully speaking about what he stands for.

First question is did voters rejects Obama's agenda. I don't think it is the agenda so much as the message.

Obama takes responsibility for the economy. Obama doesn't mention he passed biggest tax cut and deficit shrunk on his watch.

Taking responsibility for the economy is noble. However, Obama owns it. The Bush people hysterically tried to blame their economic problems on Bill Clinton.

Obama making the Republican argument that the stimulus made government "obtrusive." Don't make Michael Steele's argument for him.

Obama: "We didn't change how things got done." That is good honest criticism. Obama can still be populist by making the argument to change Washington. Even if Obama can't pass major reforms fighting for it will help him in 2012.

Question on health care repeal. I don't believe Obama you give in to Republicans on the legislation that may define his presidency.

Another health care question. It is obvious Obama believes he can win a health care fight with Republicans.

Question on chances on another stimulus. Obama goes into speaking about his horrible deficit commission.

Obama: "What are our priorities. What do we care about." The republicans care only about 2012.

John Boehner was a highly incompetent House Speaker. It won't change the second time around. Obama can politically out-maneuver him like Clinton did to Gingrich. The question is will Obama resort to that. Unlike Clinton, we have never seen Obama get angry enough for a partisan fight.

We are seeing Obama's reaction to the midterms is to move to the center. Obama wasn't exactly Paul Wellstone is first two years in office.

Obama's energy proposal is more drilling in America. Nuclear power is another energy option. Obama will give these concessions and then be called a socialist by Republicans.

Obama says he didn't push hard enough for transparency in Washington.

Jake Tapper asks Obama about the losses. Obama says, "It feels bad."

Obama on Bush tax cuts. Obama doesn't wanted to see middle class taxes spike when economy is bad.

Obama ducks question on if EPA will regulate emissions.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell question.

Obama says he's "a strong believer" in ending DADT. That is why Obama fought the DADT repeal ruling in court and pressured Alcee Hastings to drop his DADT repeal amendment.

Obama making the case the economy was in "freefall" when he came into office. Good.

Obama started out weak. He is now defending his policies. He needs to do more of this.

Obama say Republicans must have ideas. Obama still being bipartisan, but implying Republicans have to be more than party of no.

Obama makes John Boehner/slurpee joke.

Obama giving his pro-business spiel. I agree with Obama that the free market needs to pick up. What happens when the free market doesn't hire there is 10 percent unemployment. Obama should have created another FDR jobs program. Obama's neoliberal tendencies was tax cuts and expecting the private sector to hire by throwing stimulus money out there. The stimulus saved the economy, but it didn't turn the economy around.

Obama let's his guard down by talking about how he tries to collect with people while being in the bubble of the White House. Bush would never say these things.

Obama closing his statements.

The last few minutes when Obama let his guard down was him at his best. No Republican can humanize a message and speak from the heart the way he does. Obama's intentions to move to the center concern me. The Republicans aren't focused on governing. The GOP is thinking about 2012.

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