Glenn Reynolds Staying Classy
This is the headline for a link on Glenn Reynolds' InstaPundit.
FLORIDA: Clinton pushed the black guy to get out.
The headline to the Politico article Reynolds links to.
Bill Clinton pushed Kendrick Meek to quit Florida race
Reynolds makes the suggest to his conservative readers that Clinton pressed Meek to drop out because he was black. There is nothing in the Politico article to support Reynolds claim.
Reynolds has a history of condoning racism. Reynolds defended this photoshop image of Obama as a shoeshine boy not being racist because Rush Limbaugh was a shoeshine boy. We all know Limbaugh would never say or do anything racist. Not if you count every episode of Limbaugh's radio show.

UPDATE: Or is it racist? Rush Limbaugh actually was a shoeshine boy. Yeah the racial stereotype is a bit shaky — when I was a kid I knew older brothers of friends who did that; even in Birmingham, Alabama they were white. By the time I was a teenager, of course, shoeshines were on the way out.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Boy, bend over backwards to avoid accusing a Democrat of racism and what do you get? Slagged by Charles Johnson. Oh, well. That’s what I get for my generosity, these days . . . .
Reynolds received flak for the post and updated it to say it was racist. Reynolds quickly backed down after people were pointing out that he came off as a racist jerk. Reynolds' statement of bending "over backwards to avoid accusing a Democrat of racism" is a false meme about the photoshop coming from the Left. Blogger Charles Johnson catches Reynolds in this lie and links to the right-wing blog that first posted the image.
Reynolds could care less about real racism. He wants to use any means he can to attack Democrats. Reynolds furthers racism by falsely accusing others and defending those that perpetuate it.
Labels: charles johnson, glenn reynolds, instapundit, racism, wingnuts
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