Thursday, August 19, 2010

White House Freaks on 'Muslim' Poll

The White House remains silent or dismissive when progressives complain. Question President Obama's Christian faith and the White House goes into full defense mode.

"The President is obviously a -- is Christian," Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton said. "He prays every day. He communicates with his religious advisor every single day. There's a group of pastors that he takes counsel from on a regular basis. And his faith is very important to him, but it's not something that is a topic of conversation every single day."

Asked why people believe despite this that Mr. Obama is a Muslim, Burton responded, "I just think people are focused on other issues and not paying all that much attention to exactly what the President does with his spirituality. But as you all know and have covered extensively, he is Christian and his faith is very important to him."

Burton makes it sound like Obama is more focused on his spirituality than fixing the economy or getting troops out of Afghanistan. Obama talks to a group of pastors. It would be nice if Obama got economic policy advice from someone besides Lawrence Summers.

A Pew Research poll has 20 percent of Americans believing Obama is a Muslim. The White House reaction is to panic. The number isn't large and I'm willing to bet largely in the GOP base that will never vote for Obama. If Obama was a Muslim then so what? Obama's religious faith has zero policy implications for America.

I personally don't really believe Obama is that religious. The same can be said about many other politicians from both parties. I have a hard time believing politicans use the faith to decide their stance on zoning issues and growth management. Every politician claims to be a Judeo–Christian because the conventional wisdom is voters demand a sign of faith. The truth is when politicians talk about religion it comes off as pandering. Obama vowed to continue the faith-based program but is not a member of a Washington church. Obama swore he would join a D.C. church when he moved into the White House. Republicans that wish to shift the tax burden to the middle class and poor and then say they follow the teachings of Jesus are just as bad.

I actually think questioning politicians on their faith more is a good thing. It might have helped if Tom Delay or William Jefferson were questioned about their faith. It is hard to believe Newt Gingrich is religious when he has a mistress problem. When it comes to politicians, I have a lack of faith.

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