Monday, August 02, 2010

McCollum & ADA

Politifact investigated if accusations that Bill McCollum attempted to water down the Americans with Disabities Act when he was in Congress. Politifact scared the accusation true.

Congressman McCollum voted for Amendment 448. This legislation would have capped costs to make businesses for handicap accessible at ten percent of employee's pay. McOllum voted for Amendment 452. Somehow McCollum thought communter rails should be excempt from being made handicap accessible. Amendment 453 was a simular measure McCollum voted for.

McCollum also attempted to make it harder for disabled people to sue by voting for Amendment 454. McCollum said he supports the disabled. He is just thinks money shouldn't be spent on them.

"I think the problem we have had all along has been costs. It is a question of how we mitigate, how do we reduce, costs"

Yes, wheelchair ramps cost money. There are great as long as the government and businesses don't have to pay for them.

The snark in the last paragraph sums up McCollum's attitude. Scary.

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