Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Does Marco Rubio Have An Original Idea

What strikes me about Marco Rubio is his utter lack of originality. I have always thought of Rubio as a lightweight. However, I thought he had political savvy. Rubio just sounds more and more like a carbon copy of every other incumbant Republican in Washington. It is like the Republican Party built the perfect cyborg candidate.

Young: check

Good looking: check

Hispanic: check and we really needs those votes

Utters every stale GOP talking point: double check

Case in point: Rubio objects to Elena Kagan's nomination because she is a "judicial activist." Every Republican screams about judical activism. Let's look at the definition of judical.

Main Entry: ju·di·cial
Pronunciation: \jü-ˈdi-shəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin judicialis, from judicium judgment, from judex
Date: 14th century
1 a : of or relating to a judgment, the function of judging, the administration of justice, or the judiciary b : belonging to the branch of government that is charged with trying all cases that involve the government and with the administration of justice within its jurisdiction — compare executive, legislative

Kagan has never been a judge. It is impossible for her to have been a "judicial activist." Rubio could bother to learn what the term means before he uses it.

Rubio's latest campaign video attacks Charlie Crist for not being true to the Republican Party. I think that ship sailed the moment Crist left the party. Rubio is still campaigning as if Crist is his primary opponent. Die hard Republicans will love the video but if Rubio hasn't locked them up by now he never will. What's next: is Rubio going to ask Kendrick Meek to fess up about being a Democrat.

Rubio's campaign team must be made of hard-right conservatives. There are more registered Democrats than Republicans in Florida. Rubio has to move to the center to win. Personally, I hope Rubio keeps running to the far-right under the delusion every Florida voter reads the National Review and is a member of the Tea Party.



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