Thursday, June 24, 2010

Glenn Beck's Latest Literary Masterpiece

You can read a page of the ghost writer's Glenn Beck's exciting prose of his new fiction book the "The Overton Window." The plot of the novel should appeal to 9-11 truthers and UFO believers everywhere.

But all of that changes when Noah meets Molly Ross, a woman who is consumed by the knowledge that the America we know is about to be lost forever. She and her group of patriots have vowed to remember the past and fight for the future--but Noah, convinced they're just misguided conspiracy-theorists, isn't interested in lending his considerable skills to their cause.

And then the world changes.

An unprecedented attack on U.S. soil shakes the country to the core and puts into motion a frightening plan, decades in the making, to transform America and demonize all those who stand in the way. Amidst the chaos, many don't know the difference between conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact--or, more important, which side to fight for.

But for Noah, the choice is clear: Exposing the plan, and revealing the conspirators behind it, is the only way to save both the woman he loves and the individual freedoms he once took for granted.

If Glenn Beck's name wasn't on the book it would be in the bargain bin at your local bookstore.



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