Thursday, June 17, 2010

Compassionate Conservatism: Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh's daily hate rant was aimed at poor people who have difficulty feeding their children. Rush's solution is these people should dumper dive to feed their children.

You know, one of the benefits of school being out, in addition to your kids losing weight because they're starving to death out there because there's no school meal being provided, one of the benefits of school being out, college campi being vacant this time of year, is that our audience levels go up. I think, you know what we're going to do here, we're going to start a feature on this program: "Where to find food." For young demographics, where to find food. Now that school is out, where to find food. We can have a daily feature on this. And this will take us all the way through the summer. Where to find food. And, of course, the first will be: "Try your house." It's a thing called the refrigerator. You probably already know about it. Try looking there. There are also things in what's called the kitchen of your house called cupboards. And in those cupboards, most likely you're going to find Ding-Dongs, Twinkies, Lays ridgy potato chips, all kinds of dips and maybe a can of corn that you don't want, but it will be there. If that doesn't work, try a Happy Meal at McDonald's. You know where McDonald's is. There's the Dollar Menu at McDonald's and if they don't have Chicken McNuggets, dial 911 and ask for Obama.

There's another place if none of these options work to find food; there's always the neighborhood dumpster. Now, you might find competition with homeless people there, but there are videos that have been produced to show you how to healthfully dine and how to dumpster dive and survive until school kicks back up in August. Can you imagine the benefit we would provide people? has disturbing numbers on child hunger.

--36.3 million people--including 13 million children--live in households that experience hunger or the risk of hunger. This represents more than one in ten 0households in the United States (11.2 percent). This is an increase of 1.4 million, from 34.9, million in 2002.

--3.5 percent of U.S. households experience hunger. Some people in these households frequently skip meals or eat too little, sometimes going without food for a whole day. 9.6 million people, including 3 million children, live in these homes.

--7.7 percent of U.S. households are at risk of hunger. Members of these households have lower quality diets or must resort to seeking emergency food because they cannot always afford the food they need. 26.6 million people, including 10.3 million children, live in these homes.

If Rush had his way, there would be no government assistance for the 13 million hungry children in America. Rush would just tell these kids to dumpster dive. Rush may not be aware nor care, but not feeding children would make America responsible for a form of child abuse.

Rush is not a political pundit or an entertainer as he sometimes claims to be. I certainly never have seen Rush sing, dance, act or show any signs artistic merit. Rush is one of the voices that filled in the void when AM radio was dying in the 80s. Rush Limbaugh is a paid professional douchebag.

Rush can go on-air and not have to deal with any consequences of his words. I seriously doubt Limbaugh would have the courage to tell parents, at a food stamp office, to let their children eat out of dumpsters. Rush would be afraid an angry father would kick his ass. Rush's job is to attract the same audience that watches reality television, professional wrestling and Faces of Death movies. Sadly, too many people take Rush's freakshow seriously.

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