Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Disturbing Sterilization Story

Tessa Savicki, a 35 year-old woman, is suing the Baystate Medical Center. Savicki claims the hosital sterilized her without her consent. The doctors were suppose to plant a implant an intrauterine device as a form of birth control.

Instead, she said, a type of permanent sterilization known as a tubal ligation was performed, leaving her mentally distraught and incapable of bearing more children.

“There was no medical reason for them to do this,” Savicki told the Herald. “That’s my choice. This is my body. I wanted the IUD so later if I felt I wanted more children, I could have more.”

The comments at Reddit has been unfairly harsh against Savicki.

cycophuk 10 points11 points12 points 21 hours ago* [-]

No matter how many times I read the article, I can't see how what happened was a bad thing. I wish I could give the doctors involved a medal for bravery.

muhnooer 0 points1 point2 points 13 hours ago[-]

If thats how it goes down, we should all go protest it and complain that some fat unemployed bitch shouldn't have the right to overload our welfare system with her suckling worthless piglets.

Real classy. Morons like this are far too common on the internet. Savicki has had 9 children. I knew a woman that had several children that were taken away by the state of Florida. She refused birth control and kept getting pregnant. The woman was irresponsible. However, I draw the line at doctors and the state sterilizing people against their will. That is a slippery slope I don't want to cross.

I wouldn't be surprised if many of the Reddit commenters were anti-abortion. Women should not have abortions and not receive welfare to feed their children. The pro-life attitude of many conservatives seems to end at birth.

Hat tip Womanist Musings.

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