Monday, July 13, 2009

Why I Supported Obama in 2008

Zo titled is Youtube video "BTW I'm Voting For Mccain / Palin." He proceeds to list reasons he doesn't like Democrats. Zo states conspiracy theories about Democrats wanting to place people on welfare to increase their voting base. Zo tells viewers Democrats run the school system to keep people on "the plantation." The one thing Zo fails to do is articulate why he voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Zo hysterically says no conservative wanted to impeach Bill Clinton for infidelity. Zo claims conservatives wanted Clinton impeached for commiting perjury in court. Clinton never appeared in court in matters relating to Monica Lewinsky. The President gave told Ken Starr, in a deposition, "I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky." It is easy to see why Zo believes conspiracy theories. He doesn't bother to learn the details.

I wanted Barack Obama to be President because we needed competent leadership. I wanted a leader that would America feel good about itself and improve it's standing on the world stage. It is time for America to be a world leader and not a punchline.

I wanted a foreign policy that was based on responsible decision making. Obama appointed experienced professionals. The world is a complicated and dangerous place. Obama appointed strong-minded people that won't be afraid to offer their opinions. Hillary Clinton and George Mitchell aren't there to make the President feel good about himself.

I wanted economic sanity. Obama has taken bold risks with the stimulus package and TARP. We are slowly starting to see banks repay loans and federal projects have been fast tracked.

America needs health care reform. All American should have a basic human right to health care. Too many Americans are uninsured. Emergency room visits increase medical costs. Obama is correct that more prevented care is needed.

We need a President that can articulate his vision and not talk down to the American public. America desperately needed the lofty language Obama supplied. For far too long we heard mindless talking points. The people will listen if inspired and treated with respect.

That is why I supporteed Obama. I know Zo voted against Obama. I have no idea why he supported McCain. I'm not sure if he knows.

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