Monday, July 13, 2009

Hip to Be Square

Marlon Brando, James Dean, Keith Richards, Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe are the cultural epitome of cool. Move over icons because Ralph Reed is reinventing cool with Faith and Freedom Coalition.

“This is not going to be your daddy’s Christian Coalition,” Reed said in an interview to describe his new venture, the Faith and Freedom Coalition. “It has to be younger, hipper, less strident, more inclusive and it has to harness the 21st century that will enable us to win in the future.”

Reed's grassroot group is going to win the Hot Topic kids with the revolutionary sales pitch of less government, fighting terrorism, tax cuts, family values, the sanctity of life and supporting Israel. Why didn't the Republican Party use this message in the last two elections cycles? Another bold move is the homepage photo of an entirely blonde family. Reed is hip enough to know conservatives need to do more outreach to Aryan people.

Check out Reed's "off the hook" message.

Thank you for your interest in the Faith and Freedom Coalition. Our nation is truly at a crossroads. The Obama administration and the dominant media are leading us in the direction of bigger government, higher taxes, extreme social policy, liberal judges, and exploding debt. We are standing in the gap to oppose these policies.

We are a grassroots coalition of people of faith, small businessmen and women, and like-minded citizens dedicated to promoting sound public policy at every level of government. We are advocating time-honored values, protecting the dignity of life and marriage, reducing taxes, and insuring fiscal responsibility in Washington.

Now check off the talking points conservatives use ad nauseum.

freedon - check
media - check
bigger government - check
higher taxes - check
extreme - check
faith - check
small business - check
values - check
life - check
marriage - check
reducing taxes - check
fiscal responsibility - check

Reed's message minus mind numbing talking points.

Thank you for your interest in the Faith and Freedom Coalition. Our nation is truly at a crossroads. The Obama administration and the dominant media are leading us in the direction of bigger government, higher taxes, extreme social policy, liberal judges, and exploding debt. We are standing in the gap to oppose these policies.

We are a grassroots coalition of people of faith, small businessmen and women, and like-minded citizens dedicated to promoting sound public policy at every level of government. We are advocating time-honored values, protecting the dignity of life and marriage, reducing taxes, and insuring fiscal responsibility in Washington.

Take out the usual talking points and Reed's message offers no fresh new ideas. Conservatives repeat the same buzz words to the meaning becomes lost. Reed sees his task much like Steve Jobs rebuilding Apple. Reed cites the iPod and iPhone. Reed suffers from the same problem as other conservatives. They believe technology is going to save the GOP. The Faith and Freedom Coalition can get on Facebook. Reed has less Twitter followers than my account. It is not the message but the lack of original ideas that is killing the conservative movement.

Side note: How unhip is Reed? Check out his encounter with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.

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