Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sarah Palin's Less Government In Action

Sarah Palin raised taxes on oil companies then agrees with Sean Hannity that the country is headed towards socialism.

Palin: We are the only state with a negative tax rate where we don't have any income, sales or property tax statewide, and yes we have a share of our oil resource revenue that goes back to the people that own the resources. Imagine that.

Hannity: And it went up higher since you've been the governor and you negotiated with the oil companies. That all went up so people get a bigger check.

Palin: There was a corrupt tax system up there and we had a couple of lawmakers end up in jail because of the tax system that was adopted so we cleaned it up and said we wanted a fair and equitable share of the resources that we own, and the people will share in those resource revenues that are derived.

Hannity and Palin are bragging about raising taxes on oil companies and Obama is cutting taxes on the middle class and poor. In 2008, Alaska was ranked first in pork spending. Alaska has no state taxes because of shitty infrastructure and a low population.

Federal funding for Alaska's road and bridge system under TEA-21 was about $314 million in fiscal year 2002.
55% of Alaska's major roads are in poor or mediocre condition.
30% of Alaska's bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.
13% of Alaska's urban freeways are congested.
Vehicle travel on Alaska's highways increased by 17 percent from 1991 to 2001. Alaska's population grew by 15 percent between 1990 and 2001.
Driving on roads in need of repair costs Alaska's motorists $81 million a year in extra vehicle repairs and operating costs - $177 per motorist.
8% of municipal solid waste is recycled in Alaska.
69% of Alaska's schools have at least one inadequate building feature.
80% of Alaska's schools have at least one unsatisfactory environmental condition.
Alaska's drinking water infrastructure need is $585.2 million over the next 20 years.
Alaska's wastewater infrastructure need is $648 million.
The rehabilitation cost for Alaska's most critical dams is estimated at $7.3 million.

Those Ted Stevens pork dollars weren't to better the quality of living in Alaska. However, a airplane did get painted to look like a fish.

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