Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Quote of the Day

"I am a New Democrat."

President Barack Obama.

The House of Representatives New Democrat Coalition defines itself as moderate.

Founded in 1997, The New Democrat Coalition (NDC) provides moderate, pro-growth Members of Congress with the opportunity to advance a common sense policy agenda to move our country in the right direction. New Democrats have built a reputation as the "go-to" group in Congress on the critical issues of economic growth, national security, personal responsibility, and technology development.

Hailing from every region of the country, New Democrats are intent on modernizing both the Democratic Party and the country. New Democrats support policies to expand economic growth and ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to benefit from that growth; a fiscally responsible and efficient government; a secure homefront; and a robust foreign policy that includes trade, constructive U.S. leadership throughout the world, and a modern and strong military.

The short answer is Obama's answer is new labeling of a DLC Democrat. New Democrats have their roots in the DLC movement. Obama is not foolish enough to affiliate himself with the Democratic Leadership Council. The DLC is unpopular because of it's support of the Iraq war, anti-union stance and commitment against universal health care. The New Republic and Mickey Kaus are DLC Democrats that take pleasure in bashing other Democrats. This has made the DLC unpopular with progressives. The DLC is dysfunctional and useless.

Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel left the DLC and joined the New Democrat Coalition. What we are seeing is rebranding. Politically, Obama is calling himself a New Democrat to play into his change theme of not doing the same old politics. Most people outside the Beltway don't know or care about the DLC or the NDC.

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