Tuesday, August 05, 2008

More Bad McCain Ads

What is the John McCain campaign thinking? There are comparing Obama to Jesus Christ. The ad looks like it was made by the Obama campaign. The McCain campaign isn't going to win attacking Obama on hope. Obama can easily counter "The One" ad by talking about his Christian faith. McCain is uncomfortable talking to the Christian base in his party. Obama isn't going to get James Dobson's endorsement, but he is comfortable having a religious conversation with voters. The Christian Right still remembers McCain's attacks againt Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.

The other recent McCain ad is no better.

“Washington’s broken. John McCain knows it,” the ad says. “We’re worse off than we were four years ago.”

That would be a Republican administration in office. McCain is attempt to paint himself as the change candidate. Obama has that market cornered. McCain has to run as the establishment candidate and get out the vote. That is his only chance of winning.

These ads aren't marketed to me. That said, even I recognize the ads don't help McCain. If I was working on the McCain campaign, I would attack Obama on flip-flopping on FISA, Social Security and offshore drilling. McCain's best chance is the Obama campaign doesn't point out his own flip flops.

The McCain campaign has a loser mindset. What went largely unmentioned about the infamous Paris Hilton/Britney Spears ad is McCain attacking Obama for being more popular. Rightly or wrongly, running for president is the ultimate popularity contest. The recent ads feel defeatist.

McCain's problem is he spent a good portion of his life vying for the presidency. McCain can not articulate to voters why he should have the job. The problem is there is no defining message of where McCain wants to take the country. Obama has catch-phrases of "hope" and "change." McCain is uncomfortable talking about domestic policy and the economy. His foreign policy is running away from his Iraq "100 years" quote. People need to believe McCain has a vision. Running as the anti-Obama is not enough.

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