Blair Plays Intolerance Card

Hillsborough County commissioner Brian Blair has picked up Ronda Storm's gay-bashing mantle. The The Former Bubble Bee is venting mock outrage that Tampa high school students will protest violence against LGBT.
The April 25th Day of Silence was started in tribute to Lawrence King, whom was gay and murdered at age 15. Students will not speak and hand out cards explaining their silence. All this sounds rather harmless and hardly a disruption to schools. Blair is running for re-election against Kevin Beckner. The latter is openly gay and heavily-backed by the Democratic establishment. Blair is also being investigation for a possible ethics violation. Time for Blair to play the religious card.
"I have always believed that all citizens are equal and should be treated accordingly. On the other hand, no group of citizens should be given government sanction and support to promote their social and sexual agenda upon the rest of us and especially, on our children."
"Considering the fact that the same school system does not want to allow just one Minute of Silence in the classroom for God, this is preposterous."
"Can you imagine asking for a 'Day of Cheer for Heterosexuality?' If no action is taken to change this policy, then perhaps it is time for another surgical strike from the majority; 'A Day of Abstention' from school participation might be considered."
Blair starts the email off by saying how much he loves equality. The Commissioner then openly discusses "surgical strikes" against free speech. General Blair is prepared to go to war with no weapons or Army. group of citizens should be given government sanction and support to promote their social and sexual agenda upon the rest of us and especially, on our children."
Actually, not only should groups be "given government sanction" to express political, religious and sexual views, it is guaranteed in the Constitution. Blair is sworn to uphold it. He might bother reading it sometime.
Hillsborough County schools are not sporsoring the Day of Silence. It's nonsense for Blair to suggest otherwise. But this is more about garnering votes than school policy. Yes, I really believe he is that politically cynical. This is the same man that sent out an email bashing fellow commissioners, with his signiture and said he didn't know where the email came from.
I think Blair's idea for a Day of Cheer for Heterosexuality is a fantastic idea. Blair can put on his old Bubble Bee wrestling tights on (if he can fit into them) and lead the protest. Youtube hilarity will ensue.
Labels: brian blair, hillsborough county commission, homophobia, lgbt, tampa
Awesome comeback to that idjit.
What a TURNOFF he is.
Among other less stellar attributes.
AND, that picture is horrifying so ... like thanks a heap.
I am soooo ashamed but despite the fact that he is a moron, that pic is hot.
Hell, I had a copy of it long before this controversy.
Between you and me, I have always thought those shorts he and Killer Bee Jim Brunzell wore were too tight
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