Thursday, January 17, 2008

Meet Ted Sampley

Racist Barack Obama Photoshop

Ted Sampley is a former Vietnam vet whom has made a career of smearing John McCain and John Kerry. Sampley even attacked George H.W. Bush. The former vet blames politicians from both parties of leaving POWs in Vietnam. Short answer: the guy is a conspiracy theorist nut.

Which makes it all the more bizarre on why Sampley is attacking Obama. Besides the overt racism against blacks and Muslims. (Obama is not the latter.)

A sample of Sampley's punditry.

American conservatives already suspect that Obama Jr's much proclaimed opposition to America's war against Muslim terrorist in Iraq is more about his Muslim heritage than peace. Obama Jr's "I don't think we're at that stage yet" answer to Sawyer stirred immediate reaction from a former U.S. Congressman who saw the Sawyer interview. "Yet? We all know what that means. If elected, at what stage will Barack Obama be willing to send American servicemen and women into the Kenyan meat grinder."

CNN put to rest the bogus madrassa story. The school's deputy headmaster, Hardi Priyono, told CNN, "This is a public school. We don't focus on religion."

Who needs facts to get in the way of a smear campaign?

JC Christian makes Sampley his new pen pal.

Hat tip to Pam Spaulding.

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At March 28, 2011 9:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ted, if you were so into helping your country, veterans, etc. Why not 30 years TIS instead of ten? Did ya just wanna get out and grow a mullett?


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