Monday, November 05, 2007

Bush On The Couch

George W. Bush told Maureen Dowd he doesn't want to be put on the couch. There is good reason. If people found out how Dubya thought they would have never elected him.

Dr. Justin Frank, Bush on the Couch: "Bush "shows a rigid inability to consider the idea that anything in his own behavior might qualify as destructive; instead he projects such impulses onto his many perceived persecutors, to maintain his sense of self."

Paul L. Minot, MD, A Psychiatrist's Perspective: "First and foremost, George W. Bush has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. What this means, is that he has rather desperate insecurities about himself, and compensates by constructing a grandiose self-image."

How can the founder of Arbusto be insecure?



At November 05, 2007 10:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would agree with the narcissism determination but, according to the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychology Association), one must first rule out a substance abuse disorder or a medical condition before a final Axis I determination can be made.

In this case, I would term GWB a "dry drunk." Definition: a so-called "reformed alcoholic" who has stopped drinking but still exhibits the behaviors of a "wet drunk," most noteably a tendency to engage in reckless behaviors without forethought as to consequences.


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