Sunday, April 01, 2007

Mel Martinez By the Numbers

The recent Quinnipiac poll has been discussed in the media. Chrlie Crist has a strong approval rating and Floridians aren't sold on Marco Rubio's property tax plan. What I haven't heard mentioned is how dismal Mel Martinez's numbers are.

Martinez has a 44 percent approval rating. He is polling at 62 percent with Republicans. His numbers with independents and Democrats are trouble for his people. It is not surprising that Martinez has a 36 percent approval rating with Democrats. What is interesting is that he rates 34 percent with independents. Swing voters dislike him more than the Democrats.

Contrast that with Bill Nelson. His approval rating is 53 percent. He polls a high 47 percent with Republicans. His approval rating with independents is 51 percent.

Sadly, Martinez isn't up for reelection until 2010. If his numbers stay the way they are (or get worse) he will be a one term Senator. His base of support isn't strong. He beat Betty Castor in a very close race. Many contribute his victory to George W. Bush being on top of the ballot. Many conservatives did not want Martinez to become the co-chair of the Republican National Committee. A great deal of that of bigotry. So much for the illusion that the GOP is a big tent.

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