Thursday, March 22, 2007

Ron Sanders Latest Hate Rant

The Rev. Ron Sanders speaks about the Steve Stanton appeal tomorrow and takes the time to go on a hate-filled tirade.

During the City Commission meeting on March 20, the Rev. Ron Sanders, pastor of the Lighthouse Baptist Church in Largo, said God has protected Largo over the years from killer hurricanes because of the abundance of prayers.

But, he warned, “The Lord wants me to say some things.”

“God’s wrath is on America right now,” Sanders said.

He pointed to the 911 terrorist attacks and the devastation of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.

Sanders said the gay, lesbian and transgender lifestyle is “an abomination against God.” He said if the city allows Stanton to stay in office, “He will be a hero to all of those weirdos from New Orleans who are looking for a new home.”

What kind of Christian condems people who suffered and were left homeless during Katrina. Would Sanders feel the same way if he was stranded in the Superdome?



Sanders claims that every New Orleans resident is not a God-fearing Christian and deserved being displaced. I'm curious as to how Sanders was able to look into the souls of all these people and make this blanket judgement. For that matter: what does Steve Stanton's status have to do with Katrina?

Sanders says this stuff to the media. Imagine what he preaches in the confines of his church.

Update: What is interesting in the article is the lack of support other commission members have for Mary Gray Black.

Commissioner Mary Gray Black read a lengthy legal brief to the commission in which she argued that the hearing be quasi-judicial. She wants witnesses sworn and cross-examined and to have a legal transcription of the meeting.

City Attorney Alan Zimmet countered that this would give Stanton an easy avenue to appeal to the courts.

Several commissioners objected to having received Black’s prepared statement during the meeting and having to listen to her read it.

There was no support voiced for Black’s arguments.

To make matters more ridiculous, Largo has created a free speech zone. Those wishing to distribute literature will be fenced out. This is their reactionary idea to avoid another Nadine Smith incident.

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At March 22, 2007 11:06 PM , Blogger Frznagn said...

Don't ya just love it when 'religious' folk speak for their deity?

The bigger problem is proving them wrong. According to the Bible, God has destroyed cities before. I'm making a safe bet that innocent people were killed back then too.

It may be plausible, but I doubt what he says. Now, if a hurricane hits San Francisco... I'll be a believer then!!!

At March 23, 2007 12:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's live coverage on the Stanton hearing tonight at 6pm


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