Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Question of the Day

Gatordem is asking readers what should the Florida legislature do this session. Here are some responses.

Kenneth Quinnell

Since I'm not a homeowner, those issues don't particularly work for me. I also don't know enough about the anti-murder bill to say one way or the other. Obviously, I'm opposed to murder, but will the bill work and is it worth the cost?

The biggest issues to me are related to representation -- paper trail ballots and redistricting reform. If these things don't get fixed, then Florida will continue to have policies out of line with the will of Floridians. It seems the first is going to be addressed and the second ignored.


A review of the various tax reform proposals-with the resulting loss of funds to local government-will finally put the power back in the hands of government's employers-Florida's citizens.

We must require government to live within its means, as we all do.

Government has been permitted for far too long to reach into our wallets, forcing us to live on less and less.

An increased sales tax only pickpockets us further. Government has both hands out. Florida tax payers are being asked to put a little bit less in government's property tax left hand while being required to put more in government's sales tax right hand.

Meanwhile, we're left with the same empty wallet.

Your's truly

Restoring felon voter rights is something we should hold Charlie Crist to.

Tell me gang, what should the legislature do this session?



At March 06, 2007 7:00 PM , Blogger Vox Populi said...

Well, I'm obviously concerned about the felon rights. A. because it's an embarrassment as a state B. it's the right thing to do C. he swiped the idea from Davis and is now backpedaling. (it's going to become his class-size amendment as he seeks to explain away why he just can't do it... maybe he'll put it on the ballot a few times) Did you see the letter I received from Thomas Hobbs stating what Gov Crist actually believes about restoration of rights?
On the surface, I think this anti-murder bill is so much crap. A. there are NUMEROUS laws and even a commandment for those who pay attention pertaining to the WRONG of murder. B. Doesn't this run counter to Jeb and his 'shoot instead of backing down' law? hehe.

Kenneth Quinnell said a mouthful -- 'policies out of line with the will of the people' ...

The sales tax is just another tax on the poor. So far, nothing Charlie has promised has come to fruition. Insurance. Civil rights restored.

Also, would someone explain to me where that HUGE budget SURPLUS of gazillions of dollars that JEBBY was bragging about has disappeared to? He was trying to ride that into the WhiteHouse and suddenly it's gone .. we're in a crunch.
I'm tired of being treated like an idiot/child/moron by these people as they enrich themselves.
It's like with Pam: we know she probably worked this election to her favor before she left the spvr. of elections office. And we are left hoping we make it through THIS second term of hers and Charlie's first relatively unscathed. How did we get to this point? This is bullshit. I mean I know how we got here which leads me to support Kenneth, as well.
If he gets his campaign promises right, he can put his feet up as far as I'm concerned... J/K
I'm begging you Charlie. Be what you said you would be !!


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