:: Saturday's: What the hell are they thinking edition... ::

With a twist of the wrist and the spin of a ball, the Presidential Decision Maker will take the pressure off any would be decision maker's shoulders and let the fates rule.
Between Dubyah ("The Decision Maker") and Gates pushing more troops in the Mid East, claiming a lack of support will embolden the "enemy" - and them living in a state of denial - a resolution for Impeachment wouldn't be remiss - for the entire Cabinet. Check P!'s post on same. Greenwald on the Commander in Chief (HA!).
This headline is ridiculous. Why didn't they post Maher Arar's name in the headline. It's like they were burying the article for crying out loud. Tortured Man [Maher Arar] Gets Apology [and Compensation] From Canada while the U.S. still denies wrongdoing and maintains Arar on their "watchlist" I say good for Arar. The U.S. and Canada should feel shame and compensate him for the U.S. extraordinary extradition, 10-months of torture, and denial of any wrongdoing.
While Bush may have made remarks regarding Climate Change during his State of FUBAR address, I always take anything of this nature coming from this administration as complete pandering with no intent to do anything whatsoever. Basically, I'll believe it when I see it. Anything he deigns to sign into law regarding the climate or pollution will no doubt have a whole bunch of Executive Orders attached indicating he won't fulfill the requirements of the legislation. Consider this:
Irony alert: As President Bush dwells on terrorism while barely acknowledging climate change, it turns out that climate change may lead to terrorism. The consequences of global warming could aggravate the already-ridiculous divide between the haves and have-nots, put 30 million people at risk of famine and disease, and create eco-refugees with a propensity for radical action, said experts attending a climate-change and security conference in London. "Those who are short of food, those who are short of water, those who can't move to countries where it looks as if everything is marvelous are going to be people who are going to adopt desperate measures to try and make their point," says former British U.N. Ambassador Sir Crispin Tickell, whose name knows no equal. Consider: the role of drought and scarce resources in the escalating violence in Rwanda and Darfur, and a 2002 "letter to the American people" in which Osama bin Laden villainized the U.S. for refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol. Gulp.
straight to the source: Scientific American, Reuters, Mark Trevelyan, 24 Jan 2007straight to the source: Financial Times, David Cameron, 24 Jan 2007Global warming could exacerbate the world's rich-poor divide and help to radicalize populations and fan terrorism in the countries worst affected, security and climate experts said on Wednesday."We have to reckon with the human propensity for violence," Sir Crispin Tickell, Britain's former ambassador to the United Nations, told a London conference on "Climate Change: the Global Security Impact."
"Violence within and between communities and between nation states, we must accept, could possibly increase, because the precedents are all around."....[much more]
After a solid 7 whoppin' hours of sleep, I feel like I need to go back to bed for a couple more hours. And, that is the longest jag of sleep I've had for about three weeks.
"I am now working on a device which will remotely modulate the radiation emitted from a person's computer monitor. Through the amplification of certain discrete frequencies, this device will sterilize any person repeatedly using said computer, allowing me to remove Rachel from the gene pool." ~Blue Shift, WIlliam Gibson Message Board
Followup to Rachel Moran's desire to beat up the homeless, on film, to teach them a lesson. Sick conscienceless classless self-important priveledged bitch. Go post how you feel about this at Moran's latest and greatest follow-up post on this very subject where she trolls for and then plays mind games with a homeless guy and then spins off into her privileged little spoiled daddy's girl Mercedes. I'm pretty sure Rachel has never had to lift a finger to take care of herself a day in her life. Do you realize that most of the U.S. population is 30-days from living on the street themselves.
Was a one week stiffy worth it?
You know those warnings on erectile dysfunction medications that tell guys if they have an erection lasting for over four hours to contact a doctor? This iguana should have done just that. He's had a stiffy for over a week; now he's got to have his penis amputated. Let that be a warning to you, fellas!
More on Spocko, KSFO, ABC and Disney: Nut Busters, Once more, for the fucking record, ¡¡¡Spocko Saga makes USAToday!!!, and regarding the atrocious and ridiculous New Busted post on Spocko KSFO
That is all. I'm already 8 minutes past my personal deadline to forge into the two suitcases of work I MUST accomplish this weekend. Sigh.
tag: Politics, Policy, Bush, War, Iraq, Terrorism, FUBAR, Global Warming, Climate Change, Environment, Bush Administration, President, Disney ABC, KSFO, Radio, Spocko, Online Blogintegrity, troops, Middle East, executive power, legislation, the decider, comander in chief, News Busters, rachel moran, homeless, beating, poor
That Youtube video made me cringe.
Sorry about that. Does it make you feel better to know the Iguana had a spare Penis to give up?
Not really. I will not click that video again.
ROFLMFAO !! This was a total learning experience ... hope ya got your suitcases of work done...
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