:: Naked Brunch: Grumpy, Spocko, WFSO, Disney, Music, Snooze & Lose ::
Cat Power + Satisfaction ... enough said.
Previously posted Musical Antidotes:
In order to preserve storage space, most music available previous to this post will be removed on January13th. So have a listen now, try it & buy it. Snooze & Lose rule applies to this as well: Favorites 2006 Music Edition. Posts tagged Musical Antidote. Hurry! Ripley's Sinner Mixes will remain as will the Top Sex Songs.
Disney's New Corporate Identity
SPOCKO VS. WFSO, ABC, Disney: Update
Make it Viral people. Zen Cabin's Ripley created an audio file of the issue involved. (Rip suggests using the audio over some video, but requests credit and tags to himself, Spocko, ABC & Disney. I have a bunch of material if anyone needs it.) Go to Online Blog Integrity for more on the subject and spread the word. Every time you find a post on Spocko & WFSO/Disney/ABC, deli.cious it, or use whatever service you prefer. Always use Spocko & WFSO & ABC & Disney tags. Listen to Rip's Spocko WFSO ABC Disney audio, (I have a hard time remembering being this disgusted) save it and post it on your site or save it to deli.cious, etc. SPOCKO'S BRAIN is back online after his ISP shut him down at the request of Disney.
Rachel Carson: (Rachelcarson.org) (ECOLOGY HALL OF FAME)
Read Spocko's Brain on WFSO's malignment of Rachel Carson, author of "Silent Spring." Rachel Carson died in 1964, 18-months after "Silent Spring" was published, setting off a firestorm of debate and attacks against her by the chemical industry, among many. Strangely enough, she died of cancer at the age of 54. I originally read this book about 15 or 16 years after it was written and still own the book, which is highlighted and battered beyond belief. I recently bought a paperback edition so the other wouldn't crumble into dust. I highly recommend this book, one which helped to bring environmentalism as we know into the forefront of our thoughts. Even with an ecologic and environmentally based education, this book opened my eyes to the dangers of chemicals and pesticides. Specifically DDT, a chemical pesticide found to cause Cancer. Her book sparked a new environmental "surge" (timeline of the environmental movement). Carson dedicated her book to Albert Schweitzer, who said:
Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. He will end by destroying the earth.
Schweitzer's words are more true today than they ever were before as we continue to pollute and poison all of earth's ecosystems. E.B. White echoes the lifestyle of America's native population:
I am pessimistic about the human race because it is too ingenious for its own good. Our approach to nature is to beat it into submission. We would stand a better chance of survival if we accommodated ourselves to this planet and viewed it appreciatively instead of skeptically and dicatorially.
And, the apropos truisms of Rachel Carson:
The "control of nature" is a phrase conceived in arrogance, born of the Neanderthal age of biology and philosophy, when it was supposed that nature exists for the convenience of man..... It is our alarming misfortune that so primitive a science has armed itself with the most modern and terrible weapons, and that in turning them against the insects it has also turned them against the earth.
Related : March is the new January
Never has good weather felt so bad. Never have flowers inspired so much fear. Never has the warm caress of a sunbeam seemed so ominous. The weather is sublime, it's glorious, it's the end of the world.
January is the new March. The daffodils are busting out everywhere. It's porch weather. Put on a T-shirt and shorts, fire up the grill, blast "Rastaman Vibration" into the back yard. Everyone out for volleyball! The normal high for this time of year is 43 degrees; yesterday's high at Reagan National was a record-breaking 73. And yet it's all a guilty pleasure. Weather is both a physical and a psychological phenomenon. Meteorology, meet eschatology. We've read the articles, we've seen the Gore movie, we've calculated our carbon footprint, and we're just not intellectually capable anymore of fully enjoying warm winter weather. Just ain't right. Ain't natural. Cherry blossoms during the NFL playoffs? Run for your lives.
ExxonMobil Disinformation Campaign On Global Warming Science
A new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists offers the most comprehensive documentation to date of how ExxonMobil has adopted the tobacco industry's disinformation tactics, as well as some of the same organizations and personnel, to cloud the scientific understanding of climate change and delay action on the issue. According to the report, ExxonMobil has funneled nearly $16 million between 1998 and 2005 to a network of 43 advocacy organizations that seek to confuse the public on global warming science.
"ExxonMobil has manufactured uncertainty about the human causes of global warming just as tobacco companies denied their product caused lung cancer," said Alden Meyer, the Union of Concerned Scientists' Director of Strategy and Policy. "A modest but effective investment has allowed the oil giant to fuel doubt about global warming to delay government action just as Big Tobacco did for over 40 years."
Smoke, Mirrors and Hot Air: How ExxonMobil Uses Big Tobacco's Tactics to "Manufacture Uncertainty" on Climate Change details how the oil company, like the tobacco industry in previous decades, has raised doubts about even the most indisputable scientific evidence - funded an array of front organizations to create the appearance of a broad platform for a tight-knit group of vocal climate change contrarians who misrepresent peer-reviewed scientific findings - attempted to portray its opposition to action as a positive quest for "sound science" rather than business self-interest - used its access to the Bush administration to block federal policies and shape government communications on global warming
ExxonMobil-funded organizations consist of an overlapping collection of individuals serving as staff, board members, and scientific advisors that publish and re-publish the works of a small group of climate change contrarians. The George C. Marshall Institute, for instance, which has received $630,000 from ExxonMobil, recently touted a book edited by Patrick Michaels, a long-time climate change contrarian who is affiliated with at least 11 organizations funded by ExxonMobil. Similarly, ExxonMobil funds a number of lesser-known groups such as the Annapolis Center for Science-Based Public Policy and Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. Both groups promote the work of several climate change contrarians, including Sallie Baliunas, an astrophysicist who is affiliated with at least nine ExxonMobil-funded groups.
Baliunas is best known for a 2003 paper alleging the climate had not changed significantly in the past millennia that was rebutted by 13 scientists who stated she had misrepresented their work in her paper. This renunciation did not stop ExxonMobil-funded groups from continuing to promote the paper. Through methods such as these, ExxonMobil has been able to amplify and prop up work that has been discredited by reputable climate scientists.
"When one looks closely, ExxonMobil's underhanded strategy is as clear and indisputable as the scientific research it's meant to discredit," said Seth Shulman, an investigative journalist who wrote the UCS report. "The paper trail shows that, to serve its corporate interests, ExxonMobil has built a vast echo chamber of seemingly independent groups with the express purpose of spreading disinformation about global warming."
ExxonMobil has used the laudable goal of improving scientific understanding of global warming-under the guise of "sound science"-for the pernicious ends of delaying action to reduce heat-trapping emissions indefinitely. ExxonMobil also exerted unprecedented influence over U.S. policy on global warming, from successfully recommending the appointment of key personnel in the Bush administration to funding climate change deniers in Congress.
"As a scientist, I like to think that facts will prevail, and they do eventually," said Dr. James McCarthy, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Biological Oceanography at Harvard University and former chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's working group on climate change impacts. "It's shameful that ExxonMobil has sought to obscure the facts for so long when the future of our planet depends on the steps we take now and in the coming years."
The burning of oil and other fossil fuels results in additional atmospheric carbon dioxide that blankets the Earth and traps heat. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased greatly over the last century and global temperatures are rising as a result. Though solutions are available now that will cut global warming emissions while creating jobs, saving consumers money, and protecting our national security, ExxonMobil has manufactured confusion around climate change science, and these actions have helped to forestall meaningful action that could minimize the impacts of future climate change.
"ExxonMobil needs to be held accountable for its cynical disinformation campaign on global warming," said Meyer. "Consumers, shareholders and Congress should let the company know loud and clear that its behavior on this issue is unacceptable and must change."
Formed in 1969, the Union of Concerned Scientists is the leading science-based nonprofit working for a healthy environment and a safer world. UCS combines independent scientific research and citizen action to develop innovative, practical solutions and secure responsible changes in government policy, corporate practices, and consumer choices.
Related Links:
Ancient global warming was jarring, not subtle, study finds
2007 to be 'warmest on record'
Bill Moyers:
The Narrative Imperative (read the whole thing)
On Income Disparity:
Michael Hussey wants to know ...
...who, at the beginning stages of the 2008 Presidential hopefuls, you lean toward supporting. I wrote:
And, oddly enough, this was in this mornings Washington Post: Gore Leaves Door Ajarfor 2008!!!!! Frankly, with the spread thus far, I will take any particle of hope that Gore will run in 2008. There isn't anyone I would support who has indicated they are running that I would support at this time.
Will he or won't he?
As the Democratic field for 2008 takes shape, one big remaining question is whether former vice president Al Gore -- winner of the popular vote in 2000, an almost-candidate in 2004 and now the public face of the movement to address global warming -- will be in it.
Over the past six years, Gore has become a heroic figure for the party's liberal left, thanks in large part to his early and steady opposition to the war in Iraq. And it's not just liberals who have taken to Gore. "An Inconvenient Truth," the film detailing Gore's lonely quest to raise awareness of climate change, is one of the most successful documentaries of all time and, as important, has transformed Gore's public image from cold to cool.
That renewed popularity has stoked speculation that Gore just may have another national race up his sleeve. "He's the Rocky Balboa of 2008," said Chris Lehane, a former Gore adviser.
But is Gore ready to enter the ring one more time? Don't count on it, say his closest advisers. "There are no secret meetings going on to plan the Gore campaign," said Carter Eskew, a longtime confidant of the former vice president.
But neither Eskew nor any of the small cadre of Gore's closest advisers would entirely rule out such a bid, leaving the same small but substantial amount of wiggle room that Gore himself has left in his public pronouncements.
And there are small signs here and there that could be read as the stirrings of his renewed interest in a campaign. Early last month, Gore addressed more than three dozen labor leaders in Washington, a wide-ranging talk about the Democratic congressional gains and the media, said one attendee, who demanded anonymity. Asked about 2008, Gore said that he has taken a number of calls from people encouraging him to consider running but he "didn't know whether he was going to or not," the source said. "Everybody felt he left a small door open."
For the moment, however, Gore seems more interested in his role as global-warming warrior. He couldn't make time for an interview for the Sunday Fix because he was training 600 people on the slide-show presentation featured in "An Inconvenient Truth," according to his spokeswoman.
‘My Phone’s On Vibrate For You’: The Best of Live dating SMS
Hmmmm....this gives me serious second thoughts about SMS messaging. Should I turn it on? I turned it off my cell phone due to a ton of spam messages I received and had to pay for, regardless that they were spam. Pissed me off, so I turned it off. Anyway, if you have some interesting messages.....click the link.
2007 Weblog Awards
k/t Blog Meridian for the reminder. I trotted on over, read the rules and as far as I can recall, the following sites were recommended in one category or another by moi, and sometimes twice (there are more but I can't recall them all).
Sine.Qua.Non's 2007 Weblog Awards Nominations: Acephalous, BLDG Blog, Blog Meridian, Brilliant at Breakfast , Burnt Orange Report, FP Passport, Gaping Void, Girlspoke, Grad Student Madness, Headphone Sex, Hit & Run, Indietastic, Jesus' General, Norwegianity, Online Blogintegrity, Pam's House Blend, Pushing Rope, Real Climate, Shakespeare's Sister, *Sixeyes by Alan Williamson, Squarespace, Straight White Guy, Talking Points Memo, Tannishblog, The American Street, The Poor Man, and Unclaimed Territory ... oh, yeah.... ummm, and me under the craft (for art & creaticity since there isn't a category) and for site design. I do remodel alot! Think of it as asking your boss for a raise. If you don't tell them your worth, who will?
Blog Meridians complete set of scruffy & john adventures & Discoveries
A Stretch of River - The Complete Box Set
John Cole on Notifying the Families of Dead Soldier...
that they are back on duty.....
They will be on duty forever.
Ole Blue Heretic
On the Worn Out and Overdone, in fact desiccated sayings of 2006:
The next time I hear a news anchor say, "In these troubled times" or "In these difficult times," I am going to travel over to where they are and slap them upside the fucking head!
Michigan university banishes worn-out words, phrases of 2006 | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Straight White Guy
On the Coastlines of Scotland. I love how Eric writes, so beautifully descriptive I can literally see it in my minds eye.
Pushing Rope on The Epic of Gilgamesh
How fucked up is it for the VA to use a freakin' cartoon to train doctors on how to deal with the mental distress of our soldiers? CRACKED!
FatCat Politics on ....
War Profiteering Prevention Act of 2007 Testing Bush's will to use veto power - go for it, Mr. Leahy! Vetoing this bill will be one of the stupidest things Bush could do - on what would he object? Seriously! By vetoing the bill he says to everyone that his pals can do whatever they please.
“Americans want the culture of corruption to end. From war profiteers and corrupt officials in Iraq, to convicted Administration officials, to influence-peddling lobbyists and, regrettably, even members of Congress, too many supposed public servants have been serving their own interests, rather than the public interest,” said Leahy.
<-------A Big Fuckin' Zero
Joe Lieberman is Still a Fucking Idiot Yes....yes he is. And, so is John McCain, who must have flipped his fuckin' lid since he has bought into the Bush Koolaid for 2008 election support. Nothing is sacred.
Wege on Beer: This should make all you regular guzzlers feel good. Beer makes your brain work faster and with more efficiency!!!
UPDATE: Found this while looking for beer quotes for the mast:
One night at Cheers, Cliff Clavin explained the "Buffalo Theory" to his buddy, Norm. "Well ya see, Norm, it's like this. A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine! That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
Me......I'm into Chocolate Martinis, Cosmopolitans or any alcohol that tastes good with java at the moment. It's a seasonal affliction.
Echidne of the Snakes
On Moral Superiority or The Left Is More Moral Than The Right
Brilliant at Breakfast
Another shining triumph from the right-wing wankosphere
As if Michelle Malkin being responsible for the arrest of an AP journalist she insisted didn't exist weren't proof enough of the utterly amoral, heedless wankery of the right-wing blogosphere, it looks like the "Poor Lonely John Kerry None Of the Troops Will Sit With Him photo has been debunked as well. Turns out it's a photo of an off-the-record breakfast discussion with two reporters, NOT a photo-op with soldiers in which the latter refused to participate.
Steve Gilliard also has a few choice words on the matter.
The Zen Cabin
Rip, if I had time to do it, I would put together a video. Alas, I don't and I have a bag full of work to do today an it's already 3:15 and I didn't sleep well last night so I am grumpy as hell and liable to go zero to bitch in 3 seconds flat. I need a nap. However: I have lots of pictures and video clip links I am willing to send anyone that wants to take up the project. Just e-mail me: check the bottom of the sidebar for the email sine qua non link.
All right, fun's over and I have to get my ass in gear to work. Shit, I really, really want a nap. A bit of rolling around in the hay wouldn't hurt a bit either - unless that's what you go for....
I hope they are just working on it.
Latest Google Blog search results:
4 hours ago by Zeno Spocko's Brain has been resuscitated and is once again the logical command center of siege against KSFO, the hate radio affiliate of ABC/Disney. Spocko's story has electrified the blogosphere ever since ABC/Disney obtained a cease ... Halfway There - http://zenoferox.blogspot.com |
9 hours ago by ¡El Gato Negro! ¡Viva Spocko's Brain! ¡Vamanos! Go, and say "hola"... and "gracias for jour effort", and "¿How may I help joo geeve the feenger to Mickey, the steenky Raton?" so. Online Blogintegrity - http://blogintegrityblogspotcom.blogspot.com |
2 hours ago by --mf Welcome back, fella! Spocko's Brain You can't keep a good man down. To Top Of Main Page. Monkeyfister - http://monkeyfister.blogspot.com/index.html |
8 hours ago by tj_legg@hotmail.com (Tom Legg) Spocko's Brain is alive with a new host. For those few still trickling in from Boing Boing, go leave a message of support in his comments. Who knows if Disney will go after his new host and cut him off again. ... Daai Tou Laam Diary - http://www.the-eleven.com/~tjlegg/ |
5 hours ago by A Big Fat Slob Some time ago, blogger Spocko's Brain began a campaign to alert advertisers to the nature of the product with which they were associating their merchandise and services. In doing so, he made use (fair use, I would say) of actual audio ... A Big Fat Slob - http://abigfatslob.blogspot.com/index.html |
5 Jan 2007 by gregshortdotcom The evil empire, Disney, has shut down Spocko's Brain, a blog that called for a letter-writing campaign to chase advertisers away from ABC affiliate radio station KSFO after the author of Spocko's Brain took issue with comments by one ... Netscape.com Do No Evil Stories - http://www.netscape.com |
14 hours ago by skippy a great blogger and greater activist, you know him as spocko's brain, has been litigated into limbo by the mouse. you see, spocko dared to take on the hate speech drooling out of ksfo's hardly-ever-right wing talk show screeching heads, ... MOCKINGBIRD'S MEDLEY - http://mimuspauly.blogspot.com |
1 hour ago by skippy Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting spocko's brain is online again! and, we've added spocko to our permanent blogroll. skippy the bush kangaroo - http://xnerg.blogspot.com [ More results from skippy the bush kangaroo ] |
5 Jan 2007 The Walt Disney Company has sent a cease-and-desist letter to the blogger and media critic "Spocko," effectively closing down his Web site, Spocko's Brain, after the online muckraker instigated a letter-writing campaign that caused ... ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES - http://echidneofthesnakes.blogspot.com |
The Walt Disney Company gets "Spocko Brain" Shut Down5 Jan 2007
In the continuing battle between big media and bloggers, The Walt Disney Company (DIS)
struck back at media critic "Spocko" by getting the site "Spocko's Brain" taken
off the web. "Spocko" evidently didn't like what right-wing talk show ...
BizofShowBiz - http://www.bizofshowbiz.com
You know I heard a news anchor say, "In these troubled times," again. I had to restrain myself to the couch so I would not drive to New York. ;-)
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