Sunday, December 10, 2006

Karl Rove Has the Math

Word is the Bushies have lost their faith-based trust in Turd Blossom.

It's an ugly rumor, but it's spreading like wildfire: Karl Rove has lost his touch. In an amazing betrayal within a family where top political aide Rove is royalty, Bushies have been sneering at his pre-election happy talk that the gop would keep the Senate and take a slight hit in the House, both soon to be run by Democrats. And now we learn that President Bush really believed the GOP was safe, too. On the day before the elections, he asked embattled House gop leader Dennis Hastert to run for speaker again so he could guide the White House's agenda in Congress.

Remember that Rove swagger.

Q: I'm looking at all the same polls that you're looking at every day...

Rove: No you're not!

Q: You may be looking at four or five public polls a week that talk about attitudes nationally, but that do not impact the outcome.

Rove then boosted that he had "the math" and it "add up to a Republican Senate and a Republican House." Bitch smack Mr. Liberal Media reporter. He's Karl Rove. People fear him. He has the math. Got that, suckers. No one messes with the Turd Blossom. He's the baddest ass middle-aged, receding hairline, pudgy motherfucker on the planet.


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