Sunday, December 10, 2006

Kenn Kweder - Diablo

Kenn Kweder has been playing the Philly music scene since the early 70s. He is the city's most respected singer-songwriter. Been written up in Rolling Stone and other national publications. He has never toured or released an album with a distribution deal. He turned down a record deal Clive Davis offered him. He wanted full artistic control. He makes Fugazi look mainstream.

The Center City music scene started to take notice of Kweder in the late '70s, and he soon garnered national attention. Record tycoon Clive Davis once called Kweder "one of the two most exciting first impression artists" he'd ever seen perform live. The other artist was David Bowie.

Diablo is my favorite Kweder song. Greg Davis and Allen James are two brilliant guitarists. They played with Kweder back in the 70s.

I'm hoping that my pal Graceland can work her PR skills and sell him to the masses.

Update: Susan Madrak of Suburban Guerrilla knows Kweder. I wanted to ask her if it's true that Kweder poured a beer on Clive Davis's head, but I couldn't post a comment. Sucky ass Wordpress. Susan, tell me if the story is true.


At February 07, 2007 6:32 AM , Blogger Susie said...

I don't know if Ken did it, but it's certainly consistent with his history.


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