Saturday, November 04, 2006

Katherine Harris Uses the Power of Prayer

Katherine Harris held a telephone prayer service.

"And Father, awaken our churches now," she prayed. "Treat the pastors' hearts so that those who think there's no place for government, have them understand kingdom government, and how they need to be involved in the governance on this earth because God is our governance."

She added, "And Father God, right now on the day after the Jewish new year, Father, after the day after atonement, as they enter into their new year, Father God, I just pray that you would bring the hearts and minds of our Jewish brothers and sisters into alignment." She prayed for the safety of Israel, "your sacred nation, Father."

She closed by saying that after the coming "shift" or revival, "Once again we'll rejoice, rejoice with your Son and bring this nation into alignment with your government with your kingdom principals and authority."

So much for give to Caesar (government) what belongs to Caesar (government) and to God what belongs to God. What she means by bringing Jews into allignment is anone's guess.

Update: Here is the audio.


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