Friday, November 03, 2006

Pulling A Dowdification

Dana Blankenhorn sarcasticly writes, "If you're gay, better be liberal."

There are Log Cabin Republicans in the GOP. They are more than entitled to join whichever party they please. Log Cabin Republicans, in Florida, have been pleading with the Republican Party of Florida. The RPOF rewarded their loyalty by giving a $150,000 to

There is a reason why black voters avoid the Republican Party. Is because the GOP is not a big tent. They have made strking down affirmative action a platform. Most people could care less. President Bush and has constantly refered to affirmative action as "soft bigotry." Republicans have used affirmative action has a wedge issue for years. It finally came back to bite them in 2000. Jeb Bush had to fight off efforts by Ward Connerly to put an anti-affirmative action amendment on the ballot.

Leonard Pitts said it best.

"I'd be excited to see the GOP finally making a serious push for black voters — if the party was offering fresh ideas on police profiling, housing discrimination, unemployment and other issues of importance to black folks. But the focus (isn't) on any of that. Rather, it's on the gosh-darned 'homosexual agenda.' "

It's the Republicans job to convince gays and blacks to vote for them, Dana. I would appreciate you not pulling a Dowdification by suggesting I'm "subliminally" telling people that it's bad being a closted gay. I wrote this comment on Peer Review.

Bob Norman at Daily Pulp broke the story. He's a fairly solid journalist. I tend to stay away from that stuff unless it's involves criminal actions. (See: Foley, Mark) Tom, you're a social conservative. I hate to break the news to you, but your party is filled with gays.

As for the Crist question: who cares if he is or isn't. If he becomes Roy Cohn then people have the right to call him a hypocrite. Crist seems rather moderate. So far.


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