Thursday, September 28, 2006

Nancy Pelosi Calls Out Dennis "Desperate" Hastert

Nancy Pelosi was asked about Dennis Hastert's talking point comments aimed directly at her.

"the same terrorists who plan to harm innocent Americans and their freedom worldwide would be coddled, if we followed the Democrat plan."

This is about not torturing human beings. Not being touchy and feely with the terrorists. Pelosi responded, "I think the Speaker is a desperate man." Pelosi pointed out that her position is the same as Republican Colin Powell.

Republicans realize that Pelosi is likely to become the next Speaker and they are trying to demonize her. Their attacks have more to do with partisan politics than keeping America safe.

This is the same Hastert who changed ethic rules to favor Tom Delay. Hastert had so much compassion for Katrina victims that he was quoted as saying, "It looks like a lot of that place could be bulldozed." He later stated he really didn't mean what he said.

My comments about rebuilding the city were intended to reflect my sincere concern with how the city is rebuilt to ensure the future protection of its citizens and not to suggest that this great and historic city should not be rebuilt.

If that press release doesn't sound desperate then I don't know what does.


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