Monday, September 11, 2006

Absurd Vice President

Dick Cheney was caught on Meet the Press repeating the bogus lie that Iraq and Al Qaeda had strong ties.

CHENEY: You’ve got Iraq and Al Qaeda, testimony from the Director of C.I.A. that there was indeed a relationship — Zarqawi in baghdad. et cetera. Then the

RUSSERT: The committee said there was no relationship. in fact saddam —

CHENEY: I haven’t seen the report. I haven’t had a chance to read it yet.

RUSSERT: But Mr. Vice President the bottom line is…

CHENEY: We know that Zarqawi running the terrost camp in Afghanistan prior to 9/11. After we went in after 9/11, then fled and went to Baghdad and set up operations in Baghdad in the spring of 2002 and was there and then basically until the time we launched into Iraq.

Notice how Cheney cuts off Tim Russert. Cheney also states the Osama bin Laden is a top

MR. RUSSERT: Let me stay on Afghanistan, because the front page of The Washington Post today, bin Laden, the trail is stone cold, according to intelligence officials. Do you agree with that?

VICE PRES. CHENEY: I don’t. I, I, I haven’t read the article, I saw the headline. And, you know, there’s the, the on again/off again approach, is the U.S. really serious about bin Laden? We are serious, we’ve stayed actively and aggressively involved in the hunt for bin Laden from the very beginning. There’s been no...

Question: can you tell me what government official is in change of finding bin Laden?

Today, however, no one person is in charge of the overall hunt for bin Laden with the authority to direct covert CIA operations to collect intelligence and to dispatch JSOC units. Some counterterrorism officials find this absurd. "There's nobody in the United States government whose job it is to find Osama bin Laden!" one frustrated counterterrorism official shouted. "Nobody!"

Absurd, indeed. Cheney is sounding like Baghdad Bob before Saddam Hussein's regime fell. Cheney doesn't read newspaper articles and Senate reports. He has his own view of reality and he's sticking to it. Damn it.


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