Thursday, August 24, 2006

Republican Party of Florida Running Scared

The Florida Republican Party is running scared of Jim Davis and Rod Smith. They sent out Terminator Jeb to to say "there wasn't a whole lot of discussion about issues and ideas" during the debate. Terminator Jeb said he wasn't impressed with either Democratic candidate.

"I don't think they're showing that they have a compelling agenda or a vision for the state," Bush said. "Being the anti-Jeb isn't going to cut it ... I think I know the people of this state pretty well. They want to know what's in these candidates' hearts and they want to know what's on their minds."

Being anti-Republican certainly will. A Strategic Vision poll taken by Floridian voters found 47% disapprove to 39% approve. 56% do not want Roe Vs Wade overturned. The poll does show Terminator Jeb receiving a 57% approval rating and Crist polling better than the other three candidates. The Republican Party of Florida sent out a negative press release of the Davis-Smith debate. The RPOF's press release for the Crist-Gallagher debate was hysterically-titled "REPUBLICAN DEBATE SHOWCASES IDEA-ORIENTED CANDIDATES". It was so full of ideas that it was only worth two paragraghs. After reading both press releases, I'm certain that the writer (or writers) didn't watch the debates. These things are usually written before the debates and sent out to the media. That's the way it usually works.

We now know that the talking point is the Republicans have ideas and the Democrats don't. To have Terminator Jeb enter the fray, so harshly, means that their enternal polling data shows that a Democrat could win the Governor's mansion. Having Katherine Harris in a statewide race doesn't help matters.


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