
Monday, May 01, 2006

Caitlin Flanagan Interview

Caitlin Flanagan wrote the anti-feminist book To Hell with All That : Loving and Loathing Our Inner Housewife. Her interview on the Colbert Report is absolutely bizarre. She agrees with everything that Colbert says (accept the naked in the kitchen.)

Flanagan chastises women for not being stay-at-home mothers. Many women don't have the option. Flanagan works from home and has a nanny and maid to help her tend to her twins. More power to Flanagan to be able to spend time with her children. She should be mindful that many single women don't have the same options.

Over to you, Bitchlab.


  1. Bitch came, Bitch saw, Bitch laid out and whacked.

    Well done, Miz B.

    Anthony Kennerson

    My "SmackDog Chronicles" Blog
