Monday, March 06, 2006

Gag-Inducing Press Gaggle

Scott McClellan spreads a piece of propaganda that should have been shot down by the press corp.

If you will recall on August 29th when the hurricane hit and then it passed the New Orleans area, there were a number of reports -- including media reports -- saying that New Orleans had
dodged the bullet, and there was some sense that the worst-case scenario did not happen.

Exactly who in the media said that New Orleans dodged a bullet? Wonkette went through over 400 newspapers to find this famous "dodged a bullet" quote. The headlines and photos show destruction on a biblical scale. The only newspaper that ran a "dodged a bullet" headline was The Daily Sentinal Star. The talking point boils down to the White House making post-disaster plans on what a third-tier newspaper prints.


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