Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Florida Republicans Hate Public Education

For the past four years, Mary Brandenburg has introduced legislation that would require members of the Florida House and Senate to take the FCAT and make their scores public. Her reasoning is that if grown adults can't pass the tests then children shouldn't be expected to. Legislators even have the option of taking the third grade FCAT test. Bradenburg's proposal has died four years running. Howard Goodman reports that fellow House members told Brandenburg they are intimidated by geometry and algebra.

In other education news: Governor Jeb Bush and fellow Republicans are trying to get rid of the class size amendment.

(1) The maximum number of students who are assigned to each teacher who is teaching in public school classrooms for prekindergarten through grade 3 does not exceed 18 students;

(2) The maximum number of students who are assigned to each teacher who is teaching in public school classrooms for grades 4 through 8 does not exceed 22 students; and

(3) The maximum number of students who are assigned to each teacher who is teaching in public school classrooms for grades 9 through 12 does not exceed 25 students.

The amendment's purpose was to give students more one-on-one time with teachers and have a more controlled classroom environment. Republicans want to change the amendment without letting parents know what current classroom sizes will be. Senate President Ken Pruitt the changes are all about "enhancing and providing flexibility." There have been other's who had too much "flexibility" in their answers.

The GOP is not will to pay for public education increases to maintain proper class sizes. They have no problem writing legislation to use public school money for vouchers. Conservatives have always hated public education. The Contract With America promised to dismantle the Department of Education. Republicans have no serious interest in proper education. People like David Horowitz would rather demonize college professors than provide solutions.

Hat tip to Florida Politics.


At March 31, 2006 9:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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