
Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Now A Republican Disses Rubio For Skipping Town Halls

Rep. Justin Amash delievers a mean diss to fellow Republican Sen. Marco Rubio for failing to do town hall meetings in Florida. Rubio's office recently said the Senator was in Germany and could not perform town hall meetings. Two amateur videos captured Rubio in Florida.

Sen. Bernie Sanders was extremely hard on Rubio.

“If you need police at the meetings, that’s fine, have police at the meetings, have security at the meetings,” Sanders said. “But don’t use that as an excuse to run away from your constituents after you support repealing the Affordable Care Act, throwing 20 million people off of health insurance, doing away with preexisting conditions. If you are going to do all those things, answer the questions that your constituents have.”

Rubio told Jim Defede that town halls aren't town hall meetings, anymore. Rubio's reasoning is that liberal activists are coming to the meetings. Rubio does nopt see it, but those liberal activists are his constituents.

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