Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Reminder of How Bad the Bush Years Were

The George W. Bush presidency had a net LOSS in private sector jobs (about -500k). The jobs that were created during his 2 terms came from the public sector. Most of these jobs went to the formation of the giant opaque Homeland Security apparatus. Government jobs. DHS, a Republican idea, is proof that if you take a bunch of failed organizations and put them all together, they will metastasize. Aren't Republicans supposed to be against those kind of things? President Obama on the other hand has CUT government jobs since taking office by 700k, reduced the deficit by 2/3, & is on pace to create a net total of 13 million private sector jobs by the end of his 2nd term. And he's done it all in the aftermath of the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression. #georgebush #jebbush #fuckbush #barackobama #obama #privatesector #publicsector #conservative #conservatives #republican #republicans #GOP #liberal #liberals #progressive #democrat #democrats #libertarian #libertarians #teaparty #politics #capitalism #occupy #taxtherich #socialism #workingclass #middleclass #uniteblue #thenewdeal

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These numbers should remind you of what a disaster the presidency of George W. Bush was for America. Bush had 9/11, the poor response to Hurricane Katrina , and the econimic crash all happen on his watch. Yet Republicans would have you believe that the Obama years are somehow worse.



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