
Friday, November 15, 2013

Slut Shaming the Pill ( With Corrected Update)

The anti-Obamacare website is slut shaming women on the pill. That should really help Republicans get the female vote. The site informs women "the pill doesn't protect you from STDS." The pill is suppose to protect women from getting pregnant. Not STDs. The Right really has a problem with women being sexually active. These people need to grow up.

Update: conservative blogger Sarah Rumpf tweeted me this message.

.@pushingrope Ummm that's actually NOT an antiobamacare website From Progress Colorado aka THE LEFT.

The website is by Progress Now Colorado Education. It is actually a pro-Obamacare website. I apologize to readers for my error. However, I stil believes the website slut shames women ob birth control. Slut shaming is wrong. In this case it appears to be coming from progressives.

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