Saturday, August 31, 2013

Mitch McConnell Was For VAMA Before He Was Against It

Republicans voting against the Violence Against Women Act was politically stupid. Now Republicans have to run away from their vote on the campaign trail. Case in point is Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell. The Senator from Kentucky sent out a press release attempting to mislead his constituents on his vote.

"Mitch was the co-sponsor of the original Violence Against Women Act -- and continues to advocate for stronger polices to protect women. I am proud to call him my senator," the document quotes a voter as saying.

McConnell was a co-sponsor of a previous version of VAMA. McConnell voted against VAMA when it was reauthorized in 2013. McConnell was 1 of 22 senators to vote against reauthorizing VAMA. McConnell now doesn't have the courage to stand behind his vote. Pathetic.

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