Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tea Party Nation to Allen West's Rescue

Tea Party Nation sent out this fundraising letter for its supporters.

Dear Patriot,

I was afraid this would happen. A new poll reports that Allen West is now trailing his liberal opponent by nine points!

It seems the relentless and overwhelming deluge of negative ads is taking a toll on Allen's campaign.

The Democrats are absolutely determined to destroy every single black conservative running for office this year. We must fight back hard and do it NOW!

Please make an urgent contribution of $25, $35, $50, $100, $250 or more to help us reelect Congressman Allen West and all the other black conservatives who have been targeted for destruction by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the ultra-rich liberal Super PACs.

While this poll of Allen West's race was conducted by the Democrats, I'm told that other surveys also show that Allen is in the fight of his life.

This is VERY, VERY bad news.

These polls serve as a signal to every leftist activist in America and every America-detesting multi-millionaire out there that Allen West can be beaten.

They show that a black conservative can be ruined if you simply spend enough on horrible negative attack ads.

And it will convince the liberal Democrats to launch more waves of attack ads against black conservative candidates.

We have to help reverse this tide. We must stand up to these smear campaigns. We need to defend Allen West, Tim Scott, Mia Love, and Vernon Parker.

What the Democrats are doing is vile and despicable. But they will keep it up as long as they believe they can win.

Allen West needs help. What happened to America is a center-right country? What happened to voters wanting to hear an unfiltered conservative? Bad ass Allen West needs helps. Wow.

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