Monday, October 22, 2012

Romney's 'Come On Our Website' Answer

Bob Schieffer asked Mitt Romney how he would pay for increased military spending. Romney's answer was hysterical.

SCHIEFFER: Let me get — I want to try to shift it, because we have heard some of this in the other debates.

Governor, you say you want a bigger military. You want a bigger Navy. You don’t want to cut defense spending. What I want to ask you — we were talking about financial problems in this country. Where are you going to get the money?

ROMNEY: Well, let’s come back and talk about the military, but all the way — all the way through. First of all, I’m going through from the very beginning — we’re going to cut about 5 percent of the discretionary budget, excluding military. That’s number one.

SCHIEFFER: But can you do this without driving deeper…


ROMNEY: The good news is (inaudible). I’d be happy to have you take a look. Come on our website. You look at how we get to a balanced budget within eight to 10 years. We do it by getting — by reducing spending in a whole series of programs. By the way, number one I get rid of is Obamacare.

There are a number of things that sound good, but frankly, we just can’t afford them. And that one doesn’t sound good and it’s not affordable. So I’d get rid of that one from day one. To the extent humanly possible, we get that out. We take program after program that we don’t absolutely have to have, and we get rid of them.

Romney's answer is to look at his campaign website. I have been to Mitt's website. It most certainly doesn't tell you how Romney would pay to massively increase military spending. How can any conservative believe in this man enough to vote for him is enough to me.

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