
Monday, July 30, 2012

Best Headline of the Day

I had to click the link on Twitter when I saw the headline "Westboro Church Protesters Confronted By Zombies." Supporters of the military dressed up as zombies to counter-protest the Westboro Church.

Eight members of the church, known for frequently picketing military funerals and other events as a protest against the progression of gay rights, found themselves confronted with the counter-protest while picketing outside of the Joint Base Lewis-McChord on Friday. The playful counter-protest was launched by Spanaway, Wash., resident Melissa Neace, who spread the word of her idea on Facebook.

"We wanted to turn something negative around, into something people could laugh at and poke fun at," Neace told The News Tribune. "It was the easiest way to divert attention from something so hateful."

The Westboro Church came to Seattle to stage a protest at the Joint Base Lewis-McChord. No one is exactly sure why they chose the base or what exactly was the point of their protest was. Most likely, the Westboro Church wanted to gwt publicity for their hate-filled agenda.

The Foo Fighters staged their own counter-protest to mock the Westboro Church.

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