
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Looks Like Mark Sharpe Is Running

It certainly seems like Hillsborough County Commissioner Mark Sharpe is going to run against Rep. Kathy Castor. Sharpe talked to The Buzz on his policy positions. It is clear that Sharpe is going to run as a moderate.

Sharpe on the use of military force.

"Before you send a man or woman overseas, you better understand what you're going to do, how you're going to get in, and how you're going to get out," Sharpe said. "I want to have that conversation about military affairs."

Sharpe does not support the Paul Ryan budget plan. Sharpe is interested in using the nearly as bad proposals from the Simpson-Bowles deficit commission.

"They spent a lot of time working on it and it just kind of got dropped. It ought to be part of the conversation," Sharpe said.

Mike Haridopolos would not support Paul Ryan's Medicare proposal. Republican presidential Jon Huntsman said, "I respect the president of the United States." Now Sharpe is positioning himself as a centrist. This is an interesting development. However, it is too early to proclaim the return of the Rockefeller Republicans.

Side note: Sharpe's position on gay rights is right-wing. Sharpe is one of the seven county commissioners that refused to sign a proclamation for GaYBOR DAYS. The only commissioners to sign proclamations were Democrats Kevin Beckner and Les Miller.

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