Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cheney Gives Obama A Thumbs Up On National Security

There is no more evidence that President Barack Obama was not committed to change then Dick Cheney giving praise for continuing President Bush's anti-terrorism policies.

I was concerned that the counter-terrorism policies that we put in place after 9-11 that kept the nation safe for over 7 years were being rapidly discarded. He was going to attempt to discard things like enhanced interrogation techniques. The terrorist surveillance program. I think he's also... I think he's also been through the fires of becoming president and having to make decisions and live with the consequences. I think he's learned what we did was far more appropriate then he ever gave us credit for while he was a candidate.

It has been well documented how the Bush administration bungled pre-9-11 intelligence and cherry-picked intelligence in order to justify an invasion of Iraq. Obama receiving Cheney's endorsement is the equivalent to convicted Enron CEO Jeffery Skilling praising Ben Bernake's money management skills.

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