Bill Nelson rips the White House a new one for lowballing estimates of oil released into the Gulf from the Deep Horizen accident. The White House is getting ripped by a member of the Democratic caucus. Notice Lindsay Graham they courted on the energy bill is not coming to the White House's rescue. Neither is BP or other energy companies.
BILL NELSON: If it's true then there is no excuse that the Office of Management and Budget would try to muzzle the truth.
Just wait and see, once Rubio is elected, it's bye bye Sen. Nelson, hello Sen. Le Mieux. It's bye bye Florida Democrats in 2012. Hello strong veto proof Florida Republican Legislature for the next 50 years or more. No Republican will ever dare reach cross the aisle to work with any Democrat in Congress or at state level. That is what it will cost the Democrat Party Nationwide for allowing Meek to be the spoiler in the US Senate race.