Douchebag of the Day: James O'Keefe
James O'Keefe is a seriously mentally disturbed young man. What else could explain his bizarre plan to try have sex with CNN reporter Abbie Boudreau on camera. O'Keefe's plan was to isolate Boudreau on a private boat and attempt to seduce her. O'Keefe had a memo went a list of sexual items to help him entice Boudreau into having sex.

What could make this creep think he could get Boudreau into bed is beyond me. I can only imagine that O'Keefe has a problem with women and believes all sex is like a porn movie. This is an example of written speech O'Keefe's was going to attempt to seduce Boudreau with.
Abby, I want to take you to a higher place. CNN must be a tough place to work, let's make some headline love."
Attempting to film a woman having sex without her knowledge has nothing to do with conservative or liberal politics. It is just downright hateful and potentially criminal. Fortunately, O'Keefe's assistant Izzy Santa warned Boudreau in advance. I don't think it would be unreasonable to be concerned about Boudreau's safety if Santa went through with her part of the plan of getting Boudreau onto the boat. In the CNN video, Boudreau explains the conversation she had with Santa.
O'Keefe is getting rightfully condemned on both sides of the blogosphere.
Caleb Howe of
If an enterprising citizen can expose media bias with a video camera and good idea, that’s a good thing. But I fail to see how luring a lone female reporter to a remote location and isolating her on a boat, surrounding her with sex toys and pornography, and trying to convince her that the virtual stranger sitting next to her is coming on to her, possibly in front of a “sex tape machine,” does that. That’s not a recipe for a gotcha video, it’s more like a step-by-step instruction on how to cause discomfort and fear. What an ugly and potentially traumatic situation to create on purpose. It’s not clever or funny, it’s sick.
Lindsay Beyerstein
O'Keefe feared that Boudreau might get the better of him as a journalist, so he plotted to destroy her with sex. Happily, it all blew up in his face.
O'Keefe's above-ground career as a conservative activist may be over for the time being. He won't go away, of course. He'll just be pushed deeper in the shadows. There's always work for a dirty trickster in politics. I look forward to reading some day that O'Keefe has been arrested for a fourth-rate burglary.
This is without question the sleaziest story I covered since the Mark Foley scandal.
Update: Boudreau filed another story on O'Keefe's foiled plans.
Update: John Cole tweets a dead on observation.
O'Keefe's big mistake was to stop targeting black people. Media would have never noticed he was a scumbag until he went after one of them.
Labels: abbie boudreau, cnn, james o'keefe, john cole, lindsay beyerstein,, video
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